Selena Simmons-Duffin

Author's posts

Open Enrollment Is Here: 6 Tips For Choosing A Health Insurance Plan

If you’re not getting health insurance from your employer, you can still get covered. You can shop for options through or your state’s marketplace. Here’s how to pick a plan.

The Real Costs Of The Opioid Epidemic: An Estimated $179 Billion In Just One Year

As the courts consider various lawsuits against drug makers, researchers estimate what opioid addiction is costing our economy and what it would take to end the crisis.

Calculating The Real Costs Of The Opioid Epidemic

The costs of the opioid epidemic are huge, not just in the toll of human lives but also the financial drain on families, and the local and state governments that provide treatment and support.

Trump Is Trying Hard To Thwart Obamacare. How’s That Going?

Though polls show Affordable Care Act protections remain popular in the U.S., President Trump still threatens to drastically change the law if he can’t repeal it. Here are five changes he’s made.

Heads Up: A Ruling On The Latest Challenge To The Affordable Care Act Is Coming

The health law again faces possible legal evisceration with a court ruling in Texas v. Azar anticipated this fall. Here’s what it’s about and what’s stake.

Targeting ‘Medicare For All’ Proposals, Trump Lays Out His Vision For Medicare

Speaking from a retirement community in Florida, the President gave seniors a pep talk about what he wants to do for Medicare, contrasting it with plans of his Democratic rivals.

Targeting ‘Medicare For All’ Proposals, Trump Lays Out His Vision For Medicare

Speaking from a retirement community in Florida, the President gave seniors a pep talk about what he wants to do for Medicare, contrasting it with plans of his Democratic rivals.

The Health Benefits At The Center Of The United Auto Workers Strike

A key issue in the contract dispute between General Motors and the United Auto Workers is health benefits. Workers have had famously great health plans, paying just 3% of costs.

Status Of Health Benefits Remains Unclear As United Auto Workers’ Strike Continues

While the United Auto Workers strike continues, General Motors and the union are telling different stories about what’s going on with the health benefits of striking workers and their families.

How An ‘International Price Index’ Might Help Reduce Drug Prices

Drugmakers hate the idea. But Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump both say pegging the prices of U.S. medicine to what people elsewhere pay could save U.S. patients a bundle. Here’s how an “IPI” might work.