Steve Forbes, Forbes Staff

Author's posts

Steve Forbes On Why The Fate Of The U.S. Economy Relies On An Urgent Ramp-Up Of COVID-19 Testing, And Why The FDA Has Been Hindering Hand-Sanitizer Production | What’s Ahead

President Trump must immediately make massive testing for COVID-19 his top priority if the economy is to successfully reopen. Community banks can promptly help small businesses—here’s how. And, finally, the FDA has been getting in the way of liquor dis…

To Get Our Economy Moving, Focus On Testing For Coronavirus

To reopen our economy and keep it open, we need to make testing for COVID-19 our top priority. We are still not performing enough tests. The barriers to more widespread testing are not insurmountable but need focus and priority by the federal government.

Steve Forbes On How Bill Gates Is Attacking The COVID-19 Crisis And Why Washington Should Listen. And The Baffling Resistance To Hydroxychloroquine Treatment | What’s Ahead

Bill Gates shows the way to attack COVID-19; the baffling resistance to using hydroxychloroquine; and the coming storm over the 2020 census.

Steve Forbes On The Shocking Delay Behind A Critical Medical Test And Other Crucial Policies At Play| What’s Ahead

There’s a medical test that can put millions of Americans back to work, but it’s facing a shocking delay. Other subjects discussed include talk of a huge infrastructure program, Putin and oil prices and Governor Cuomo and the presidency.

Steve Forbes On The Promising Breakthroughs For Covid-19 Treatments. And President Cuomo? | What’s Ahead

What’s Ahead has changed to meet the needs of these fast-changing times. This video gives a quick, incisive overview of the coronavirus war, the upcoming bailout battle in Washington and the threat Governor Cuomo poses to Joe Biden.

Shoring Up Our Healthcare System Via Supply-Chain Security (SAM-C Act)

China is threatening America’s pharmaceutical supply chain—but in the Senate, a bi-partisan team has a plan to bring drug manufacturing back to the U.S.

CDC And COVID-19: Scandal And Incompetence

The CDC, our first line of defense against disease, lethally let us down in the fight against the caronavirus.

Merck Has A Great Future, Because It Has A Soul: Ken Frazier

In this uplifting and fascinating conversation, Ken Frazier, the highly successful CEO of pharmaceutical giant Merck, talks about a company having a soul and other interesting topics, including how he rose up from a very humble background.

The Right Kind Of New Year’s Resolutions—And Other Sage Advice—From Dr. Oz

Great way to start 2020: Listen to part one of this candid, engrossing and good-for-your-health conversation with “America’s Doctor.”

Alzheimer’s: Can We Cure It? A Talk With Dr. Greg Petsko

Few afflictions arouse more fear than Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Even more fearful has been the lack of progress in finding cures. Here’s what we can expect now.