Steven Salzberg, Contributor

Author's posts

Google Ran A Secret Experiment To Search For Cold Fusion. Did They Find It?

Google invested $10 million over the past 4 years in a series of experiments to see if cold fusion could really work. They just published their results.

Ginkgo Biloba Doesn’t Work For Anything. It’s Just A Tree

Gingko biloba is widely sold as a supplement to improve memory or fend off dementia. The problem is, it doesn’t work, not even a little bit. Save your money.

The Ridiculous And Possibly Harmful Practice Of Cupping

Cupping is a procedure where someone puts glass cups on your skin and sucks the skin up into them, which causes bruising and breaks capillaries. Proponents claim it treats pain, but there’s no evidence that it works. Welcome to “integrative” medicine.

Measles Is Back. Blame The Anti-Vax Movement.

Measles cases have already reached their highest level since 2000, and it’s only April. The anti-vax movement finally has what it wants: full-blown measles outbreaks spreading across the U.S. It’s only a matter of time before children die as a result o…

Allergy Season Is Getting Worse, Thanks To Climate Change

One of the unanticipated effects of climate change is its effect on annual pollen counts. Allergy season is getting longer and more intense around the world, according to a new study that looked at data spanning 26 years and 3 continents.

Highly Profitable Medical Journal Says Open Access Publishing Has Failed. Right.

The New England Journal of Medicine just published an editorial saying open access publishing isn’t necessary, because they already make most of their content free. What are they so worried about? Yours truly breaks down a few of their bogus arguments.

Salty And Saltier: Fast Food Chains Keep Adding More Salt To Your Food

Fast food has always contained lots of salt. Most people are probably not aware, though, that over the past 30 years, the amount of salt in typical fast food meals has increased by 50%. This is worrisome for the millions of people with high blood press…

Scientists Restart Research On Creating Deadly Bird Flu, With NIH’s Blessing

NIH has just approved two projects that aim to turn avian influenza into a potentially deadly human pathogen. The research was “paused” by the US in 2014, but the pause was quietly lifted last year, despite the warnings of hundreds of distinguished sci…

Does The Herbicide RoundUp® Cause Cancer?

RoundUp® is the most widely used herbicide in the world, in part because many farmers use “RoundUp Ready” GMO crops. Although 100s of studies have shown glyphosphate is safe, a new study presents evidence for a 41% increase in cancer risk in agricultur…

NY Times, Why Are You So Worried About 23andMe’s Genetic Tests?

Why did the New York Times called genetic testing a “parlor trick”? They published an editorial this weekend warning that customers should be careful about 23andMe’s genetic tests. I looked at my own 23andMe results to show that the Times got this wrong.