<span itemprop="author">Suneel Dhand, MD

Author's posts

Physicians should never underestimate the power of their words

It’s no secret that America (and indeed a lot of the western world) faces an unhealthy lifestyle crisis. Shocking statistics suggest that over 70 percent of the United States population is overweight or obese (defined as a BMI over 25). The consequenti…

This doctor has no regrets to becoming a physician. Here are 3 reasons why.

There’s so much negativity out there when it comes to health care, it must be a concern to any young person thinking about entering the field. I certainly spend a lot of time writing about all the challenges we face, and have to hold my hands up to (oc…

Physicians have been given weed killer. Administrators have been given Miracle-Gro.

Since I last published a blog post dedicated entirely to the above graph a couple of years ago, very little has changed. In fact, I’m sure the divergence of the curves has only grown bigger, as more and more administrators are added to the ranks of hea…

Don’t judge patients for researching their health issues

It’s difficult to imagine a world now without Google and the internet. It’s also strange to think that most people alive right now received the bulk of their education in the pre-internet era. I remember in the United Kingdom, where I went to medical s…

The bedside nurse is under siege

Nurses are the very heart of health care. These wonderful professionals work tirelessly for the good of their patients, spending the most time with them and often being their biggest advocates and best friends during what is a frightening experience in…

Physicians: Constantly focus on raising your game

A couple of months ago I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine, who is a doctor in England. We were talking sports, specifically tennis at Wimbledon and the superb performance of Roger Federer. He made a remark that I thought was great o…

Primary care should be one of the highest-paid specialties

Working in both the inpatient and outpatient setting, I have to frequently recommend my patients follow-up as soon as possible with their primary care doctors. I work in a couple of different locations, urban and rural, and I must say I have noticed a …

Primary care should be one of the highest-paid specialties

Working in both the inpatient and outpatient setting, I have to frequently recommend my patients follow-up as soon as possible with their primary care doctors. I work in a couple of different locations, urban and rural, and I must say I have noticed a …

Do you have these 5 risk factors for physician burnout?

Long gone are the days of our parents’ and grandparents’ generations, when you would graduate, join a company or organization, and pretty much stay there for your whole career. Our own personal expectations have changed, and we are fortunate to be livi…

The ideal health system lies between the two extremes

Admittedly, my views on funding health care have done a 180 since I left medical school. I grew up and went to university in the United Kingdom, which famously has one of the most heavily centralized socialized systems anywhere in the world. Born out o…