Susan Morse

Author's posts

Revenue cycle directors deal with a competitive market for staff as elective care returns

COVID-19 created a new remote administrative workforce. Now, nearing the end of the pandemic, bringing staff back in-house may not be ideal, especially during a competitive environment for coding and billing talent.
All but those on the front end of th…

AI embedded in the EHR helps prevent adverse medication interactions

Hospital executives were given a cost-benefit analysis of error avoidance with an estimated savings of $6 million a year.

Kaiser Permanente joins federal effort to vaccinate 70% of adults by July 4

The health system is giving $10 million in community grants and offering incentives such as trips to theme parks and national parks.

Over 100 Houston Methodist employees sue health system over vaccine mandate

A group of Houston Methodist nurses threatened to walk off the job over the hospital’s mandate that they get vaccinated against COVID-19 by June 7 or be fired, according to abc13.

A study in collaboration: 24 hospitals, one health record

The ONE initiative in northeastern Ontario ties 24 acute care hospitals to a single and shared electronic health information system. 
ONE — One Person, One Record, One System — uses standardized, evidence-based clinical best practices across two doze…

Walgreens completes $6.5 billion wholesale pharmacy sale to AmerisourceBergen

Walgreens Boots Alliance has announced it has completed the sale of its Alliance Healthcare wholesale pharmacy business to AmerisourceBergen for $6.5 billion.
The sale includes $6.275 billion in cash and 2 million shares of AmerisourceBergen common sto…

Judge rules in favor of HHS in health plan lawsuit on Medicare Advantage star rating calculations

The health plans contend they lost their ability to improve their star ratings due to the CMS interim final rule.

DOC bill would permanently fund physician training to serve high need areas 

Physician shortages in primary care, which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, would get a boost from a new bill called the Doctors of Community Act.

Cost-sharing waivers for COVID-19 patients had substantial financial impact

Insurers should be mandated to continue to waive inpatient out-of-pocket costs, report says.

CEO Coalition readies to take action to support hospital staff

A Declaration of Principles includes psychological and emotional wellbeing, justice and physical safety, says UCLA Hospital System CEO Johnese Spisso.