<span itemprop="author">The Podcast by KevinMD

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Pandemic behaviors, dog poop, and the social contract [PODCAST]

“It is hard to understand and communicate the uncertainty that comes with evolving science, the changing recommendations as we learn more, the vaccine that didn’t do all that was initially promised. It has become even harder with the erosion of t…

A PSA from a neurologist to the medical community [PODCAST]

“Have you ever been to a new city and realized you’d been pronouncing a street or a town name all wrong? Have you ever been from one of those cities and has it broken your heart to hear someone call Copley Square Cope-ly? Or pronounce the Schuylk…

I am an ICU nurse. We are drowning. [PODCAST]

“Tears and sweat drown my face as I try to rip off my PPE and exit the room. I didn’t want to leave him, but I couldn’t bear another second in that reality. A whirlwind of emotions crash over me, and my knees weaken. I thought, “If I can just get…

A milligram of understanding for the vaccine-hesitant [PODCAST]

“The starting point is to do our best to approach discussing COVID and vaccination with the appropriate type of empathy and understanding. To understand that our patients don’t have access to the same level of data and research that we do, and ev…

How to convert medical knowledge into digital assets that work for you [PODCAST]

“Instead of trading up for a faster horse by drawing in the exam room, it felt like I’d just built a motor car. I created a new workflow around my digital assets. When patients checked in for a clinic visit, I scanned the chart for their visit di…

Guns, the Supreme Court, and physicians’ voices [PODCAST]

“When my patients asked me about losing weight, I would say, ‘Eat less and exercise more.’ I know that it is more complicated than that. There are psychological and socioeconomic factors. There is bariatric surgery and there are medic…

How to fix the CDC [PODCAST]

“A resurgent CDC is necessary to recapture the vitality of U.S. medical science. A scientific researcher alone cannot do this work. This will also require heavy managerial work and restructuring and charting a different course altogether. CDC wil…

A shout out to small hospitals [PODCAST]

“I’m a small-time doc in a small town, and I work at a small hospital in the Midwest, and I’m proud of it. The huge university hospitals (like Cleveland Clinic) get all the glory (especially in society and in the press), but small hospitals like …

Danielle Ofri, MD on sharing stories and the emotional epidemiology of disease [PODCAST]

This episode is sponsored by Athelas, the number one provider of remote patient monitoring. “This last mile of the COVID pandemic—Omicron or not—is a painstaking one-on-one endeavor. As is most of primary care. Sadly, we now have to deal with pol…

Medical-legal consulting as a side gig [PODCAST]

“Medical-legal consulting is a great way to use your medical training in a non-clinical field that helps people. I started this field 14 years ago and have trained over 1,600 physicians to be medical-legal consultants. Most physicians do medical-…