<span itemprop="author">Tod Stillson, MD

Author's posts

Dismantling the mythical dichotomy of physician career options

In our journey as physicians, the traditional narrative often presents a seemingly binary decision: you must choose between seeking employment within a hospital or health care institution or venturing into the challenges of establishing a private pract…

The hidden menu of physician contracts

Many of you prioritize the clinical aspects of our profession, but understanding the business side of medicine is equally crucial. One key area to consider is your contract, as it can significantly impact your career path and financial stability. I bel…

Physician employment 2.0: Unveiling the secret world of employment lite

Chance meeting In the fast-paced world of medicine, characterized by long hours, administrative burdens, and burnout, I’d like to share a story about an OB/GYN physician who discovered a path to professional freedom that revolutionized his career…

Freedom to roam: Breaking down the boundaries of non-competes

Change is a constant in the medical field, and one significant shift that’s been shaking up the world of health care employment is the reform of non-compete contracts. Understanding the implications of these changes is crucial to every doctor. I …

Tax tips for employed doctors: the allure and hazards of safe harbors

As a dedicated professional, your work is incredibly challenging as you strive to maintain your primary focus on providing excellent patient care. Your inherent business powers that generate revenue make you a highly valued asset in the health care mar…

I discovered the Holy Grail for doctors

A recent post on KevinMD resonated with me, probably because I am a doctor who grew up in a rural area and returned to a small-town practice in my home county. Like the author, I experienced the suffocating grip of traditional hospital employment as it…

Job stacking for doctors: a modern approach to work-life balance

The medical profession has long been associated with intense personal commitment and time-consuming work. However, in recent years, a new concept called job stacking has emerged, and it is revolutionizing the way physicians work. In this post, I will e…

20 reasons every resident should form a micro-corporation

The majority are wrong. Is it possible that the growing majority of doctors are mistaken in their decision to choose traditional employment? How is it that the most intelligent group of individuals on earth can be influenced to believe that being confi…

It’s time for every doctor to start a professional micro-corporation

The broken status quo The hard, cold truth is that half of you will end up teetering on the same burnout cliff that I found myself looking at a decade ago. It’s a painful abyss, and many of you will experience it. The status quo of resigning ours…

Revolutionizing physician work: Embracing location-independent careers and professional micro-corporations for autonomy and success

There was a time when one doctor worked one job in one geographic location where he/she was altruistically dedicated to serving a population in the practice of medicine. For years this idea of working one job in one location was anchored within the pri…