
Author's posts

Steward Health Care Network workflow automation yields 161% increase in care coordination

The problem was the web of multiple EMRs that complicated the process and created dramatic variances in the way referrals were processed in the primary care and specialist office.

The first health insurance company to master blockchain will ‘rule,’ expert says

Blockchain will eventually connect payers not only to providers, but to pharmacists in an end-to-end transaction from the first encounter to post-op care.

Hennepin Healthcare uses EHR data to identify patients at risk of homelessness

Hennepin’s Alex Knutson-Smisek says using the electronic health record to pinpoint social determinants was a hard sell but the work that followed was not that complicated.

What digital transformation demands: the entire C-suite’s influence

Information and technology comprise the backbone of smart, digital hospitals and systems. CIOs are leading that next-generation of healthcare and, in so doing, spending increasing amounts of time interacting with all top executives to shape the future …

Digital transformation: 3 charts spotlight what top business decision makers need to know

digital transformation
Here’s a look at what hospitals need to move forward, top priorities and the biggest obstacles they face today.

Why the hospital revenue cycle is practically begging for artificial intelligence and machine learning

Revenue cycle improvement just might be a perfect problem for AI and ML to solve.

Why requiring nurses to have a bachelor’s degree can improve patient safety

Nurses who earned a BA reported being significantly better prepared than nurses with associate degrees in several areas of clinical care.