Tyler Pager

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U.S. to buy hundreds of millions more doses of Pfizer vaccine to donate to the world

In June, the United States purchased 500 million doses of the vaccine to be distributed by Covax, the World Health Organization-backed initiative to share doses around the globe.

Top federal health officials warn that booster shots initially may be limited to Pfizer recipients

The acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told a top White House official their agencies may not be able to approve a more expansive booster plan.

U.S. review of possible link between Moderna vaccine and uncommon side effect delays adolescent approval

The investigation, which involves the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is focusing on Canadian data.

Fears over rising illness and death from the delta variant fuel Biden administration push for boosters

The news about the administration’s plan drew praise and criticism.

Biden boosts vaccine donations, but critics say far more is needed

Donation of at least 20 million doses is ‘step in the right direction’ but a fraction of what’s necessary, they say.