Yiannis Mouratidis, Contributor

Author's posts

The 100 Leading Pioneers Of AI Drug Development

A big bang takes place in AI drug development and healthcare field. What is happening now is not only very exciting but it may also be a transforming mega power for the human future

Estonia Houses The Biggest Biobank In Europe

With a clear vision of improving its healthcare system and create national value in the biotech sector, Estonia managed to create the biggest biobank in Europe

World’s Top 20 AI Drug Development Companies

AI drug development is a new field for innovation and these companies lead the way

The Rise Of Use Of Medical Devices Force FDA To Change The Rules

A new De Novo pathway opens the road to a faster entrance in the medical devices market without compromises on safety issues

We Are More Than Our DNA

A new arrival in DNA analysis combines your ‘destiny’ with epigenetics that make up your daily way of life

Billions Will Be Poured Into AI Drug Development

AI technologies conquer the drug developemt industry, giving faster results, with lower cost and more flexibility through simulation models.

New Research Field Could Save Billions For Pharmaceutical Companies And Patients

A new research field combines computational methodologies to discover biomakers for a variety of diseases and this way to improve clinical trials and maybe revive failed pharmaceutical phase two medicines.

Be A Part Of New Drug Discovery

Conduit uses AI and decentralized architecture to lower the cost of drug development and returns a portion of the profits to whoever shares their computer power

EU Has Laid The Innovation Foundations, But What About The Main Building?

This year InnovEIT awarded mainly health applications and products and showed the feminine face of innovation