Category: affordability

Texans’ Experiences with Health Care Affordability and Access

Using data from the Kaiser Family Foundation/Episcopal Health Foundation 2018 Texas Health Policy Survey, this brief explores Texas residents’ experiences with health care affordability and access to care. It examines Texans’ difficulty affording healt…

Poll: Affording Health Care Tops Texans’ Financial Concerns; Almost 4 in 10 Report Problems Paying Medical Bills

Affording health care ranks at the top of Texans’ financial concerns, with more than half (55%) saying it is difficult for them and their families to afford health care, including a quarter (25%) who say it is “very difficult,” finds a new Kaiser Famil…

Public Opinion on Prescription Drugs and Their Prices

This slideshow draws on recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll findings to provide an in-depth look at the public’s attitudes toward prescription drugs and their prices. Results include Americans’ opinions on drug affordability, pharmaceutical companies,…