Author's posts

Using data on biomarkers and siblings to study early‐life economic determinants of type‐2 diabetes

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Financial protection in health revisited: Is catastrophic health spending underestimated for service‐ or disease‐specific analysis?

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Physician responses to insurance benefit restrictions: The case of ophthalmology

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 5, Page 911-928, May 2024.

How community health needs assessments can assist emergency providers in tackling social determinants of health

Dr. Gray is a young, bright emergency medicine physician who recently relocated to Austin, Texas, to start his first job as an attending. Nervous and excited, Dr. Gray is eager to explore the lively city of Austin and start practicing emergency medicin…

Transforming the preoperative patient consultation: from “clearance” to “evaluation and optimization”

A guest column by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, exclusive to KevinMD. Put yourself in the anesthesiologist’s shoes. It’s 7:00 a.m., and you’ve just finished setting up the operating room (OR). You make your way to the pre…

Going the extra mile? General practitioners’ upcoding of fees for home visits

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 2, Page 197-203, February 2024.

Trading HIV for sheep: Risky sexual behavior and the response of female sex workers to Tabaski in Senegal

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 153-193, January 2024.

‘Worse Than People Can Imagine’: Medicaid ‘Unwinding’ Breeds Chaos in States

As Medicaid programs across the nation review enrollees’ status in the wake of the pandemic, patients struggle to navigate the upheaval.

Legalization and retail availability of recreational marijuana and adolescent use in schools

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 107-120, January 2024.

Mandated checkups, knowledge of own health status, and chronic care utilization: The effect of HIV medical evaluation mandates on healthcare quality and expenditure in a US‐single payer system

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 59-81, January 2024.