The brother’s penalty: Boy preference and girls’ health in rural China

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The brother’s penalty: Boy preference and girls’ health in rural China

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The effects of dental hygienist autonomy on dental care utilization

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Nudging healthy food choices through e‐messages in a supermarket

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Pornography usage during adolescence: Does it lead to risky sexual behavior?

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Special economic zone and infant mortality: Evidence from China

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Smoothing consumption in times of illness: Household recourse mechanisms

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Optimal self‐protection and health risk perceptions: Exploring connections between risk theory and the Health Belief Model

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Harmonizing regulatory market approval of products with high safety requirements: Evidence from the European pharmaceutical market

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Paid family leave and the fight against hunger: Evidence from New York

Health Economics, EarlyView.