Category: ASC 2022 speaker series

Paragon Surgery Center administrator on developing positive relationships with physicians and staff

Deborah Herdman, RN, is administrator at Paragon Surgery Center in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Kansas Pain Management co-founder discusses AI, patient experience and physician burnout

Mahoua Ray, MD, is the co-founder and managing director of Kansas Pain Management and Kansas Anesthesiology Professionals, as well as chief of pain management at Menorah Medical Center and treasurer for the Kansas Society of Interventional Pain Managem…

Spine neurosurgeon at The Craniospinal Center of LA says letting insurance companies run health systems will create ‘an even further divorced, two-tiered system’

Brian Gantwerker, MD, is a spine neurosurgeon at The Craniospinal Center of Los Angeles.

Texas Surgical Specialists founder is hoping to transition from fee-for-service to value-based care

Rick Ngo, MD, is the founder and a general surgeon of Texas Surgical Specialists in Fort Worth.

COO of Pain Care: Healthcare leaders must ‘adopt a progressive mindset’ in order to be effective

Crystal Marcum is the COO of Stockbridge, Ga.-based Pain Care.

Orthopedic spine surgeon at Excel Spine talks fostering a ‘tribe mentality’ with his team

Choll Kim, MD, PhD, is the founder of Minimally Invasive Spine Centers of Excellence, founder and former president of the Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and currently an orthopedic spine surgeon at the San Diego-based Excel Spine Center.

Medical director of research and academics at Virginia Mason Center for Neuroscience and Spine: Providers need ‘a seat at the table’ in decision-making

Philip Louie, MD, is the medical director of research and academics at the Center for Neurosciences and Spine at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health in Seattle.

Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center administrator describes the organization’s recruiting strategy

Gabriel Figureroa is administrator at Manhattan Reproductive Surgery Center in New York City.

NorthShore University Healthsystem orthopedic vice-chairman: ‘Centers of excellence are where healthcare is headed’

Ravi Bashyal, MD, is vice-chairman of patient and provider experience, director of outpatient hip and knee replacement surgery and site medical director for Professional Football Hall of Fame Health at NorthShore University Healthsystem, as well as a c…

Forecasting is an ‘ever changing prospect’: Bend Surgery Center CEO on expanding amid changing workforce, supply chain dynamics

Todd Currier is administrator of Bend Surgery Center in Ore.