Hayward, Calif.-based St. Rose Hospital is notifying 501 patients and employees that some of their protected health information may have been stolen after an unauthorized user accessed its computer systems in November.
An email phishing incident may have compromised the protected health information of about 300,000 members of Pittsburgh-based Highmark Health, a spokesperson told Becker’s.
The recent attacks on U.S. hospitals and health system websites by Russian hacking group Killnet aren’t likely to cause downgrade ratings for non-for-profit hospitals and health systems, according to a Feb. 3 report from Fitch.
A strong cybersecurity posture has become a top concern for healthcare executives in recent years, as massive systems suffer data breaches and cybercriminal organizations target healthcare organizations hoping for financial payout or to damage a geopol…
Tallahassee (Fla.) Memorial HealthCare is canceling outpatient procedures, non-emergency surgical procedures and diverting ambulances as it deals with an IT security issue.
Healthcare is more likely to be victimized by third-party data breaches than any other industry, a new report from cybersecurity researcher Black Kite found.
On Feb. 1, Dutch cyber authorities confirmed that several hospital websites in the Netherlands and Europe were targeted by ‘KillNet’s’ DDoS campaign, along with U.S. hospitals and health systems, Security Week reported Feb. 1.
As if healthcare chief information security officers didn’t already have enough on their minds, they are now dealing with increasingly sophisticated international cybercriminal and ransomware organizations targeting U.S. hospitals and health systems.&n…