Category: Education

Modernize medical education or face failure

In 1950, newly trained physicians may have gone the entire lengths of their careers without experiencing a doubling in medical knowledge. In 2011, Densen predicted that medical knowledge would have a doubling time of approximately 73 days – or 0.2 year…

Is it ever too late to attend medical school? A nontraditional student shares her thoughts.

In a world where the path to medical school is often depicted as a one-size-fits-all journey, my story is a testament to the fact that there is no cookie-cutter method for current or prospective doctors. I am now a third-year osteopathic medical studen…

Generation Z and implications for medical education

Many Baby Boomers have been quick to point out that 2024 is not 1968. When students occupied buildings at Columbia University 56 years ago, at least their objectives were clear – to put an end to the Vietnam War. Do students today who have camped out a…

Honoring humanity: lessons from a medical encounter

At the heart of medicine lies humanity. This narrative documents a personal story where I felt deeply connected to this principle as a first-year medical student. I felt nervous and unsure as I was about to practice medical interviewing with a standard…

Supporting migrant adolescents

There is a public health crisis in America right now among the migrant population.  Chicago is dealing with a measles outbreak. Many parts of America are similarly affected, according to the CDC Measles Dashboard. Health care for migrant children and a…

Tips and tricks for presenting research at a medical conference as a premed

Last summer, I had the incredible opportunity to present a case report as a poster at the Women in Ophthalmology Summer Symposium. As a premed student, this was exciting but also quite intimidating. This meeting is a large national medical conference w…

Navigating post-match disappointment: What to do if you did not match

Over the last few weeks, I’ve spoken to applicants who did not match in the 2024 NRMP match. They are just a few of the thousands of highly qualified students and physicians who did not match this cycle. This is a wrenching experience, and it can…

Practicing patience with patients

Patience is a notoriously hard skill to master. When working in health care, your patience is constantly tested, a lesson I have repeatedly learned in my time as a medical assistant in a large orthopedic surgery practice. Whether it is taking the time …

Dealing with discouragement: strategies for aspiring medical students

Do you remember times when your dreams, hopes, and aspirations were crushed by teachers and other authority figures? We’ve all encountered such times. These experiences shape our character in negative ways and can lead to devastating psychologica…

Why South Korean resident physicians are quitting

In February 2024, the resident physicians in South Korea resigned in waves. This was not a strike; striking seemed meaningless, and the residents went right on quitting. This occurred after the Korean government promulgated health care reform plans to …