Category: Employer Health

New Rule Proposes Changes to ACA Coverage of Gender-Affirming Care, Potentially Increasing Costs for Consumers

This brief examines a proposed rule that seeks to change how ACA plans would cover gender affirming care services. If finalized the rule could lead insurers to drop coverage or shift costs to individuals and states, making access to gender affirming ca…

A Backlash Against Health Insurers, Redux

In this JAMA Health Forum post, Executive Vice President Larry Levitt recalls the mid-1990s’ public backlash against Health Maintenance Organizations (commonly known as HMOs) – all of which preceded the recent outpouring of health insurance concerns –…

Annual Family Premiums for Employer Coverage Rise 7% to Average $25,572 in 2024, Benchmark Survey Finds, After Also Rising 7% Last Year

Family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose 7% this year to reach an average of $25,572 annually, KFF’s 2024 benchmark Employer Health Survey finds. On average, workers contribute $6,296 annually to the cost of family coverage.   This …

2024 Employer Health Benefits Survey

This annual survey of employers provides a detailed look at trends in employer-sponsored health coverage, including premiums, worker contributions, cost-sharing provisions, offer rates, and more. This year’s report also looks at how employers are addre…

2024 Employer Health Benefits Chart Pack

This slideshow captures key data from the 2024 KFF Employer Health Benefits Survey survey, providing a detailed look at trends in employer-sponsored health coverage, including premiums, employee contributions, cost-sharing, abortion coverage, offer rat…

Premiums and Worker Contributions Among Workers Covered by Employer-Sponsored Coverage, 1999-2024

This graphing tool allows users to explore trends in workplace-sponsored health insurance premiums and worker contributions over time for different categories of employers based on results from the annual Employer Health Benefits Survey. Breakouts are…

How Many Adults with Private Health Insurance Could Use GLP-1 Drugs

More than two in five (42%) or 57.4 million adults under 65 with private insurance could be eligible under clinical criteria for GLP-1 drugs used to treat people with type 2 diabetes, obesity, or excess weight and weight-related health issues, accordin…

How many people with employer-sponsored insurance use the drugs slated for Medicare price negotiations

A new KFF analysis examines the number of enrollees in the employer-sponsored insurance market who use one or more of the ten drugs selected for Medicare Part D price negotiations. Among the 167 million people with employer-sponsored insurance in 2022,…

While Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Don’t Apply to Private Insurance, 3.4 Million People with Employer Coverage Take at Least One of the Selected Drugs

Among the 167 million people with employer-sponsored insurance in 2022, 3.4 million used at least one of the first 10 drugs identified for Medicare price negotiations.

What are the recent trends in employer-based health coverage?

This chart collection presents analysis of data from recent Annual Economic and Social Supplements (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS) to examine who among non-elderly people has employer-sponsored insurance and which workers are offered and …