Category: Employer Health

Long-Term Trends in Employer-Based Coverage

A new issue brief looks at long-term trends in employer-based health insurance coverage, and finds that although the share of nonelderly Americans with employer-based health insurance has risen modestly in recent years, the long-term trend still shows …

Web Briefing for Media: 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey

The Kaiser Family Foundation held a reporters-only web briefing on Oct. 3, 2018, to release the 2018 benchmark Employer Health Benefits Survey. This 20th annual survey provides a detailed look at the current state of employer-based coverage and trends …

More Employers Are Paying For Telemedicine, But Enrollee Take-Up Has Been Relatively Low

Telemedicine has been seen as a way to possibly improve access to care while also lowering costs. New analysis available on the Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker finds that the share of large employers offering health plans that cover telemedicine …

2018 Employer Health Benefits Chart Pack

Read the full post on Reports on Health Insurance and Health Care Costs from the Kaiser Family Foundation

Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Family Health Coverage Rise 5% to Average $19,616; Single Premiums Rise 3% to $6,896  

1 in 5 Large Employers Gather Data from Workers’ Mobile Apps, FitBits or Other Wearable Devices San Francisco, Calif. – Annual family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose 5 percent to average $19,616 this year, extending a seven-year r…

Employer Health Benefits Annual Survey Archives

The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust have conducted this annual survey since 1999. The archives of the Employer Health Benefits Survey include these surveys and a small business supplement of the 1998 survey conduc…

2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $19,616 this year, up 5% from last year, with workers on average paying $5,547 toward the cost of their coverage. The average deductible among covered workers in a plan with a genera…

Premiums and Worker Contributions Among Workers Covered by Employer-Sponsored Coverage, 1999-2018

This graphing tool allows users to explore trends in workplace-sponsored health insurance premiums and worker contributions over time for different categories of employers based on results from the annual Employer Health Benefits Survey. Breakouts are…

Corporate health costs don’t look like a crisis

n this Axios column, Drew Altman presents a puzzle around corporate health costs: companies are talking like there is a crisis, but new data doesn’t really show it.

An analysis of out-of-network claims in large employer health plans

A new Kaiser Family Foundation brief examines out-of-network claims in large employer plans, and finds that a significant share of inpatient hospital admissions includes bills from out-of-network providers, often leaving patients exposed to “surp…