Category: Forbes

Stealth Killer Kissing Bug Now In Delaware

Beware the deadly kissing bug, now found throughout the southern half of the country

Breaking Biotech Barriers: One Woman’s Nontraditional Rise To The Top

Despite the number and proportion of women obtaining STEM degrees increasing considerably, representation in leadership positions has been fairly stagnant. They represent about 17% of senior management positions and only 11% of board positions in biote…

The Secret to Health Tech Startups Reaping Riches? Realism

Though a record $8.1 billion poured into digital health firms in 2018, the marketplace is far from welcoming to every new entrant. A parade of entrepreneurs, investors and health tech purchasers at a recent MedCity INVEST conference described the reali…

Anthem Ready To Deal No Matter What Happens With Magellan

Anthem executives say the health insurer is well position for acquisitions, including ‘tuck-in’ Medicare Advantage plans.

Is ‘Sugar Rush’ All In Our Heads? New Study Raises Doubts About Sugar’s Effect on Mood

A new study shows there may be no such thing as a sugar rush–and no mood boost from comfort carbs.

Relief For Pain Patients: CDC Makes Bold Clarification About Opioid Care In NEJM

Following reports of immense suffering by pain patients facing rapid opioid dose reductions, the CDC at the urging of the group Health Professionals for Patients in Pain clarified their 2016 Opioid Prescribing Guideline.

Relief For Pain Patients: CDC Makes Bold Clarification About Opioid Care In NEJM

Following reports of immense suffering by pain patients facing rapid opioid dose reductions, the CDC at the urging of the group Health Professionals for Patients in Pain clarified their 2016 Opioid Prescribing Guideline.

WHO: Babies, This Is How Much Screen Time You Should Have

Here is what the 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines On Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour And Sleep for Children Under 5 years Of Age say.

Elder Mediation Can Bring Families Back Together

Many families are torn apart by their inability to decide how to help ailing parents. This article discusses how mediation can bring the family together to create a plan for mom and dad.

Anthem’s Social Determinants Benefits Package Boosts Medicare Enrollment

Anthem said new benefits designed to address social determinants of health helped grow its Medicare Advantage business by 14%.