Category: Forbes

The Biopharmaceutical Cartel And High Drug Prices

But rather than use tired attacks on the biopharmaceutical industry, upon which we depend to bring much needed treatments and cures, let’s focus the discusion on solutions that can help people pay for medicine while providing the type of revenues neede…

The Uninsured: Two Women Entrepreneurs See A Market Opportunity For Healthcare

Two women entrepreneurs aim to prove that providing healthcare to the uninsured is good for business.

UnitedHealth To Expand Bundled Payments In Medicare Advantage

UnitedHealth Group will expand bundled payments to doctors and hospitals contracted with Medicare Advantage plans effective Jan. 1, 2020.

Is There A Way For Republicans To Become The Party Of Healthcare?

President Trump has vowed to make healthcare a top 2020 campaign issue. Conventional wisdom suggests this is a risky venture as Democrats appear to have the upper hand on healthcare. Throwing into the mix an FEHB for all Americans plan could change tha…

How the Gates Foundation is Revolutionizing Global Health Impact Investing

The Gates Foundation initially structured the fund and Gates believes that the Foundation can support early, high-risk product development, while GHIF can support companies more mature in their development that need help with late-stage development and…

These Senators Received The Biggest Checks From CVS, Humana And Other Pharmacy Benefit Managers Testifying Tuesday

Executives from five of the country’s largest pharmacy benefit managers will face questions about drug pricing from the U.S. Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday. Over the last decade, these companies have contributed nearly $1 million to the campaigns …

The Power Of Purpose: How Kinsa Is Tackling Illness in Real Time With Innovative Technology

Kinsa is an innovative San Francisco-based company that is leveraging its smart thermometers to get a real-time sense of where people are experiencing the flu (using anonymous data).

Emerging Trends In Cognitive Systems

As cognitive computing promises to deliver a new era for humanity, with new machines, matter, methods, and collaboration, the question is who will be giving whom directives!

A Global Public Health Epidemic Going Completely Untreated: Intimate Partner Violence

When thinking about TBI, most people conjure images of NFL players. But there’s a public health epidemic that goes completely untreated: intimate partner violence (IPV). IPV is the most common form of violence against women in the world, with nearly 1/…

Drugs Are Keeping Seniors Healthy, And Hurting Them

We are living in the age of prescription drugs. They can turn once-fatal diseases into manageable, chronic conditions. But especially for older adults, many of whom take five or more medications each day, they can cause illness or even death.