Cambia Health Solutions and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina said they have formed “a strategic affiliation” that will consolidate management and operations of the two large Blue Cross health plans.
Markets can work for pharmaceuticals but they require the support of firms and regulators. Firms can either work to make pharmaceutical markets more competitive or accept single payer healthcare.
With almost 40% of its research and development budget targeting blue sky research, IBM tries to keep its place in the fierce competition for the next computing era
Microsoft’s Seeing AI app narrates the world for its blind users, guessing at a person’s age, gender and even their facial expression. It also offers a hint of how more people will use such tech in the future.
Among the 32 Kenyans onboard Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 were three women on their way back home after a conference focused on improving the lives of children with cancer in Africa.
UnitedHealth Group and OptumRx, are expanding a new program that passes along pharmacy discounts they get from drug manufacturer rebates to new employer customers.
The medical technology industry is pushing for a permanent end to a 2.3% tax on medical device sales that has already been on hiatus for almost four years.