Category: Forbes

The “World’s Most Trusted Airline” Has Enlisted Healthcare’s Least Trusted Celebrity

The Goop company, a large wellness company which offers controversial health advice, has partnered with Delta Airlines to offer in-flight podcasts to Delta customers. The medical community is concerned that this will lead to spread of inaccurate health…

Science Versus Pseudo-Science — What Really Works to Prevent Cognitive Decline ?

An aging but healthy population-10,000 Baby Boomers reach age 65 every day-is vulnerable to false, pseuodscientific claims about preventing cognitive decline. Meanwhile, growing scientific evidence suggests that intensive control of blood pressure, phy…

The Alcohol Crisis In America Has Been Overshadowed By Opioids, But Can No Longer Be Ignored

When talking about drug abuse and drug-related death, most conversations do not include alcohol in the statistics. In fact, alcohol is the 3rd leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., with an estimated 88,000 people (62,000 men and 26,000 women)…

When Biotechs Get Breakthrough Therapy Status, Mr. Market Yawns

Biotechs crow about getting special treatment at FDA — but our data show investors don’t give them much credit.

Do Moon Phases Or Storms Affect Childbirth?

Can moon phases or storms affect child birth? Here’s what the science says.

Could A Good Night’s Sleep Protect You From Heart Disease?

“Understanding the potential impact of poor sleep and circadian health on blood cell formation and vascular disease opens new avenues for developing improved treatments,” said Michael Twery, Ph.D., director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Res…

The Surprising Truth About The Rising Price Of Generic Medications

The truth surrounding the price of generic drugs is surprising. In the last 10 years, the price of generic medications in the US has actually fallen. Does that mean generic price hikes are a creation of media hype? And is the problem bad enough to warr…

HHS’s Multi-Pronged Approach To Lower Drug Prices: Will It Work?

HHS has put forward a series of initiatives aimed at lowering drug prices, Medicare expenditures, and patient cost-sharing. The proposals run the gamut, from increasing transparency of net pricing, to allowing use of formulary tools previously off limi…

Rite Aid’s PBM Has New CEO Amid Speculation About Its Future

Rite Aid hired a new CEO for its pharmacy benefit manager EnvisionRxOptions amid speculation about the PBM’s future.

How Brexit Will Affect British Nationals And Trade In The EU

Amid continuing uncertainty over Brexit in Britain, countries across the European Union are making preparing for a UK exit – hard or soft. Now government officials in the Czech Republic are speeding up the approval of a bill to protect the rights of Br…