This article describes the four important healthcare documents you must have to protect yourself if you become seriously ill. Links to find the appropriate forms in your state are provided in the article.
Burnout is a root cause of physicians leaving the medical profession. Technology is at the forefront of stemming this tide, with artificial intelligence leading the way to facilitate better patient health care.
As the world becomes increasingly digital, we’re missing out on ‘in real life’ connection more and more. Yet studies show how vital this is in tackling loneliness and supporting our health and well-being. The way back to the depth and quality of this c…
Self-control is a tricky thing as we often have to forgo what’s immediately enjoyable in the short term in order to gain something more valuable in the longer term. How can we put the odds more in our favor though?
U.S. health spending is projected to grow 5.5% a year from 2018 to 2027, reaching nearly $6 trillion, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Office of the Actuary said.
“If the drug proves effective it could give patients a way to manage or lessen their symptoms even if a cure remains out of reach,” said Howard Feldman, M.D., renowned neurologist and director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS).