Category: Forbes

New Study Suggests Regular Cardio Can Improve Some Types Of Brain Function

New research suggests that cardio is not just good for your body, but good for your brain as well.

Colon Cancer Screening Controversy. Here’s What All The Debate Is About.

Recently, the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommended that colon cancer screenings start at age 45, based in large part on an uptick in the number of people 45-50 years old being diagnosed with colon cancer. But the ACS might be recommending more can…

Hello Plastic Free Periods: The World’s First Reusable Tampon Applicator

It is estimated that 100 billion period-related products are thrown away around the world each year. Meet D by DAME, the world’s first reusable tampon applicator hoping to help ease the waste.

Anthem’s Move To End PBM Deal Latest Scrape With Cigna

The March 2 start of the migration of Anthem clients away from Cigna’s Express Scripts PBM will come just days after Anthem and Cigna square off in a trial over a contested breakup fee from an aborted 2017 merger.

How ‘The Office’ Taught A Man CPR To Save A Woman

If you had to rank the best people to learn CPR from, the Michael Scott character from TV’s The Office probably wouldn’t be at the top of your list.

Study Reveals What Binge Drinking Could Be Doing To Your DNA

A new study shows that beyond short-term dangers, binge drinking may also alter us at the genetic level, with longer-term implications than we realize.

5 Companies That Are Capitalizing On Helping The Poor Get Healthier

Corporations must wake up to the revenue and profit opportunities to provide affordable products and services to the poorest among us.

Estonia Houses The Biggest Biobank In Europe

With a clear vision of improving its healthcare system and create national value in the biotech sector, Estonia managed to create the biggest biobank in Europe

The Rise Of Smart Securities And Private Blockchains

This article covers the rise of smart digital securities and private blockchains that support them, as well as new security token issuances announced.

An Israeli Company Claims That They Will Have A Cure For Cancer In A Year. Don’t Believe Them.

An Israeli company claims that they will have a cure for all cancers in a year. Here’s why you shouldn’t believe them.