Category: Forbes

What Socialized Medicine Would Mean for Your Health

If socialized medical care is bad for patients, then you’d expect people within the VA system to fare worse than veterans who, instead, pay for their medical care with Medicare. A recent study provided fairly compelling evidence that the VA offered bet…

The Bizarre New Game You Play By Swallowing A Sensor

Wearables are already here to monitor your heart rate, breathing, and steps, but pretty soon your doctor might ask you to swallow a device to monitor what’s going on inside your body.

How Senior Clinics Are Bringing Humana And Walgreens Closer

The success Humana and Walgreens are seeing in “senior-focused primary care clinics” could lead to larger investments by each company in the other.

Freedom of Speech for the CEO

Corporate CEOs speaking out on the political and social issues of the day should do so in partnership with the board.

Norwegian Startup Wants To Eradicate Loneliness With Robots

Social isolation affects more than 9 million people, but one Norweigan startup is looking to change that with its robotic technology.

Britain’s Storied National Health Service Is Chasing A Tech Upgrade

The government is getting advice from tech experts as it tries to transform its free and desperately-overstretched system.

Walgreens, Humana Partnership Could Escalate To Investment Stakes

Reports have emerged Humana and Walgreens could expand their senior clinic partnership to include a financial stake each would take in the other company.

2018 Holiday Gift Guide: 29 Awesome Gifts Created By Women In Tech

The ultimate holiday gift guide for everyone on your holiday list. Whether you’re seeking fun, innovative, or thoughtful gifts for the traveler in your life, pet lovers, kids, foodies, or friends and family who could use an extra hand, the Women in Tec…

CVS: Final Two State Approvals For Aetna Deal To Come After Thanksgiving

CVS Health said its Aetna merger has been approved by 26 of 28 states and will now close after Thanksgiving.

Is Amarin’s Fish-Oil-Derived Drug A Historic Breakthrough Or Not? It’s Complicated

Welcome to a spirited debate about whether a drug derived from fish oil will change the way doctor’s treat heart disease.