Category: Health Economics (Journal)

Integrating decision modeling and machine learning to inform treatment stratification

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 1772-1792, August 2024.

The brother’s penalty: Boy preference and girls’ health in rural China

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The brother’s penalty: Boy preference and girls’ health in rural China

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 1748-1771, August 2024.

Issue Information

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 5, Page 821-822, May 2024.

The effects of dental hygienist autonomy on dental care utilization

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 1726-1747, August 2024.

Nudging healthy food choices through e‐messages in a supermarket

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 1705-1725, August 2024.

Pornography usage during adolescence: Does it lead to risky sexual behavior?

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 1682-1704, August 2024.

Special economic zone and infant mortality: Evidence from China

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 1660-1681, August 2024.

The effect of opioid use on traffic fatalities

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 6, Page 1123-1132, June 2024.

Smoothing consumption in times of illness: Household recourse mechanisms

Health Economics, Volume 33, Issue 7, Page 1584-1617, July 2024.