Category: Health Economics (Journal)

Consistent valuation of a reduction in mortality risk using values per life, life year, and quality‐adjusted life year

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 9, Page 1964-1981, September 2023.

Issue Information

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 6, Page 1203-1204, June 2023.

Cream skimming and discrimination in access to medical care: A field experiment

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1868-1883, August 2023.

Is Asian flushing syndrome a disadvantage in the labor market?

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1478-1503, July 2023.

Guidance on the use of complex systems models for economic evaluations of public health interventions

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1603-1625, July 2023.

Can decision field theory enhance our understanding of health‐based choices? Evidence from risky health behaviors

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1710-1732, August 2023.

Childhood‐onset disabilities and lifetime earnings growth: A longitudinal analysis

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1749-1766, August 2023.

Using exogenous organizational and regional hospital attributes to explain differences in case‐mix adjusted hospital costs

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1733-1748, August 2023.

Impact of tariff refinement on the choice between scheduled C‐section and normal delivery: Evidence from France

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 7, Page 1397-1433, July 2023.

Catastrophic health‐care payments and multidimensional poverty: Are they related?

Health Economics, Volume 32, Issue 8, Page 1689-1709, August 2023.