Category: Health Economics (Journal)

Development of a framework and decision tool for the evaluation of health technologies based on surrogate endpoint evidence

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Paying for the view? How nursing home prices affect certified staffing ratios

Health Economics, EarlyView.

On the demand for telemedicine: Evidence from the COVID‐19 pandemic

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Correcting for discounting and loss aversion in composite time trade‐off

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Petrol prices and obesity

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Recreational cannabis legalizations associated with reductions in prescription drug utilization among Medicaid enrollees

Health Economics, EarlyView.

A short note revisiting the concentration index: Does the normalization of the concentration index matter?

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Coping with the consequences of short‐term illness shocks: The role of intra‐household labor substitution

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Throwing caution to the wind: How hurricanes affect COVID‐19 spread

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The macro‐level effect of religiosity on health

Health Economics, EarlyView.