Category: Health Economics (Journal)

Pharmaceutical opioid marketing and physician prescribing behavior

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Flexible Bayesian longitudinal models for cost‐effectiveness analyses with informative missing data

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Immediate and informative feedback during a pandemic: Using stated preference analysis to predict vaccine uptake rates

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Do different means of recording sexual orientation affect its relationship with health and wellbeing?

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The economic costs of child maltreatment in UK

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Predicting vaccine hesitancy from area‐level indicators: A machine learning approach

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Long term care insurance with state‐dependent preferences

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Pollution at schools and children’s aerobic capacity

Health Economics, Volume 30, Issue 12, Page 3016-3031, December 2021.

Who is resilient in a time of crisis? The importance of financial and non‐financial resources

Health Economics, Volume 30, Issue 12, Page 3051-3073, December 2021.

Health care use in response to health shocks: Does socio‐economic status matter?

Health Economics, Volume 30, Issue 12, Page 3032-3050, December 2021.