Category: Health Economics (Journal)

What is it going to be, TTO or SG? A direct test of the validity of health state valuation

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 11, Page 1475-1481, November 2020.

Medicaid expansion and non‐alcoholic beverage choices by low‐income households

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 11, Page 1327-1342, November 2020.

Click it or give it: Increased seat belt law enforcement and organ donation

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Provider responses to a global budgeting system: The case of drug expenditures in Taiwan hospitals

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The impact of Medicaid on medical utilization in a vulnerable population: Evidence from COFA migrants

Health Economics, EarlyView.

‘More than one red herring’? Heterogeneous effects of ageing on health care utilisation

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Hazardous or not? Cannabis use and early labor market experiences of young men

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Eligibility or use? Disentangling the sources of horizontal inequity in home care receipt in the Netherlands

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Issue Information

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 8, Page 849-850, August 2020.

Assessing the impact of excluded attributes on choice in a discrete choice experiment using a follow‐up question

Health Economics, EarlyView.