Category: Health Economics (Journal)

Older patients and geographic barriers to pharmacy access: When nonadherence translates to an increased use of other components of health care

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Entry and price competition in the over‐the‐counter drug market after deregulation: Evidence from Portugal

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Issue Information

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 7, Page 731-732, July 2020.

Beyond COVID‐19: How the ‘dismal science’ can prepare us for the future

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 8, Page 851-853, August 2020.

Health insurance and self‐assessed health: New evidence from Affordable Care Act repeal fear

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Later retirement, job strain, and health: Evidence from the new State Pension age in the United Kingdom

Health Economics, EarlyView.

A latent class approach to inequity in health using biomarker data

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 7, Page 808-826, July 2020.

Taxes on unhealthy food and externalities in the parental choice of children’s diet

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The impact of sex education mandates on teenage pregnancy: International evidence

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 7, Page 790-807, July 2020.

Incentivizing efficient utilization without reducing access: The case against cost‐sharing in insurance

Health Economics, Volume 29, Issue 7, Page 827-840, July 2020.