Category: Healthcare Finance News

30% of hospitals and health systems using revenue cycle automation require two or more vendors

Some organizations use up to four vendors, each of whom handles different components of the revenue cycle process.

COVID-19-related mental health issues could have long-term effects on healthcare workers

Essential workers have the highest rates of adverse mental health outcomes compared to all other employment groups surveyed by the CDC.

Workplace violence in hospitals is preventable, says head of National Nurses United

Proposed bill would create OSHA standards in an effort to protect employees.

High hospitalization rates, consumer fears hit hospitals and physician groups

The numbers speak to the struggles the healthcare industry faces as it remains in the midst of the battle against the coronavirus.

Physician happiness plunges in new healthcare burnout report

COVID-19 has exacerbated issues contributing to physician burnout, but the stress of treating coronavirus patients has not substantially increased.

Finances, fear of COVID-19 among reasons why Americans are avoiding care

Understanding the reasons that patients forgo care is an important component in designing policy and clinical interventions.

Uncompensated hospital care costs reach $660 billion since 2000, AHA finds

The AHA data doesn’t yet include figures from the COVID-19 pandemic that consumed much of 2020.
The AHA data doesn’t yet include figures from the COVID-19 pandemic that consumed much of 2020.

The disadvantages of a Medicare Advantage plan

Consumers and insurers love Medicare Advantage plans. The federal government …

Seniors show high level of satisfaction with Medicare Advantage during pandemic

NInety-five percent of respondents agreed it is important for seniors to have coverage options aside from traditional Medicare.

Biden issues 5 executive orders to ramp up COVID-19 vaccine and supply response

One data-driven response requires the heads of all executive departments and agencies to share COVID-19 data with the coronavirus czar.