Category: Healthcare Finance News

Two-thirds of U.S consumers are likely to switch healthcare providers if COVID-19 is poorly managed

The findings speak to the importance of patient experience and for providers to offer more digital approaches.

Hospital margins and volumes continue to fall as COVID-19 rises

Expenses continue to rise as hospitals replenish staff to meet rising coronavirus cases and incur the costs of drugs and PPE, a tenuous situation.

Affordable Care Act market for 2021 sees strong insurer participation

Some 30 insurers are entering the individual market, and an additional 61 are expanding their service area within states, a KFF report says. 

Moderna seeks regulatory authorization for its COVID-19 vaccine

Moderna reports that its data analysis indicates a vaccine efficacy of 94.1%, based on 196 COVID-19 cases.

Struggles of care home staff during COVID-19 first wave revealed in Whatsapp messages

An analysis of social media messages shows scant guidance for things like infection control and proper PPE usage.

More than 758,000 people select healthcare plans in the third week of open enrollment

That brings the total number of enrollees to 2.4 million, a 41% jump over last year but also with more days to sign up over 2019.

CMS proposed rule reduces the user fee in ACA exchanges 

States, as Georgia has done, could waive certain ACA requirements to develop their own state healthcare programs.

Sanford Health cuts ties with longtime CEO after he said he wouldn’t wear a mask

In a recently-announced merger with the larger Intermountain system, CEO Kelby Krabbenhoft was to serve as president emeritus.

CMS announces new flexibilities for care outside of a hospital setting amid COVID-19 surge

Medicare beneficiaries can receive telehealth services from any location, including their homes. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts offers digital behavioral health solution

Learn to Live was added to insurer benefits to address behavioral health disorders, which are among the most expensive, according to CEO and co-founder Dale Cook.