Payer+Provider's Health System Review
February 6, 2020
A majority of employers, meanwhile, said they are viewing workforce digital health offerings as a worthwhile investment, according to a new Mercer Marsh Benefits, Mercer and Oliver Wyman report.
Rural residency tends to favor lower mortality, although it was not cited as a direct cause.
Eleven drugs are potential blockbusters with an expected $1 billion in U.S. sales, according to the report.
Plan satisfaction will now have a greater effect on MA star ratings, as the Advance Notice proposes to double the value member satisfaction.
The expansion of knowledge in the digital age has been exponential, but clinical teams have to harness it to make it actionable.
February 5, 2020
There were several policy changes that had immediate effects, such as shortened enrollment periods and reductions in hospital payments.
The results are encouraging in light of the spreading coronavirus, a high-visibility public health threat of international concern.
February 4, 2020
If properly integrated into clinician workflows, predictive analytics can result in efficiencies and better outcomes, HIMSS20 speaker says.