Payer+Provider's Health System Review
December 31, 2019
In 2018, total U.S. medical and health R&D investment was $194.2 billion. Of that, industry invested $129.5 billion, almost 67% of the total.
The accuracy of drug disposal information was all over the map, depending largely on whether the call was fielded on a weekday or a weekend.
December 30, 2019
Healthcare costs will continue to be a major focus in a year that will also see health systems struggle with adequate staffing and security threats.
In all, roughly two in three Americans said their health was "excellent" or "very good," and about a quarter said it was "good."
Gundersen and Marshfield will continue to partner on current initiatives, like the Wisconsin National Community Oncology Research Program.
The goal of the initiative is to improve patient experience and access while reducing costs.
December 27, 2019
Lawsuit alleges Omnicare pushed invalid drugs out the door as quickly as possible to make more money.
Insurers got repeal of the Cadillac tax, HIT and an extension of silver loading in year-end spending package.