Category: Healthcare Finance News

SDOH: Emergency department openings and closures have an impact on heart attack patients

Hospital closures represent a not-often reported social determinant of health, as they stress patient resources.

CEO of telemedicine company pleads guilty to Medicare fraud in $424 million scheme

CEO Lester Stockett was among 24 telemedicine executives charged in schemes billing Medicare $1.7 billion, according to DOJ.

All healthcare is local: Blue Shield of California and L.A. Care invest $146 million in community health

Plans will jointly operate 14 community resource centers across Los Angeles that will leverage personalized technology solutions to improve health and identify disparities.

Rural hospital closures having an impact on mortality rates

Because access to health services can be an issue in rural locales, rural hospital closings had a profound impact.

Hospital medians show revenues topping expenses for first time in 3 years

Revenue growth remained a hurdle due to hospitals’ ongoing reimbursement challenges, but overall stability has increased.

Cigna offers new coverage program for expensive gene therapy

Employers, health plans and unions may enroll; Covered consumers have no out-of-pocket payment for medication.

When physicians integrate with hospitals, costs go up, Rice study says

In 2003, about 29% of U.S. hospitals employed physicians, a number that rose to 42% by 2012.

Women in healthcare face more harassment, have fewer opportunities and lower wages, study shows

Women believe they have fewer opportunities for leadership, with less than half feeling they have the same chances as men.

UnitedHealth’s contract dispute with Team Health has implications industry-wide

If staffing companies receive lower reimbursements from insurers, they would likely seek to increase subsidies they receive from hospitals, Moody’s says.

Medicare spends more on post-hospital care for seniors than private insurance — needlessly, says Health Affairs

Changes to Medicare’s post-hospital care payment structure, to bring it closer to that used by private insurance, might save taxpayer dollars.