Category: Healthcare Finance News

California AG denies Adventist\West and St. Joseph affiliation

The health systems had proposed forming a joint operating company to manage hospitals in six counties.

Elizabeth Warren releases plan to pay for Medicare For All, says middle class won’t pay more

The $52 trillion plan would seek to bring in about $9 trillion over 10 years by diverting funds employers pay to private health plans.

CMS updates payment rule for new kidney drugs

The rule also promotes competition and innovation in durable medical equipment by setting Medicare payment for new items based on commercial pricing data.

‘Care cascades,’ or unwarranted tests, show hidden costs

Successive rounds of unnecessary testing can cause physical and psychological harm to patients and wastes an estimated $200 billion annually.

Telehealth laws, especially for behavioral health, are increasing access despite remaining legislative barriers

Adoption of telehealth for mental health services is increasing, highlighting the need for a more cohesive legal and regulatory framework.

CONNECT for Health Act gets provider, HIMSS support

The bill has bipartisan support to lift restrictions on Medicare coverage for telehealth.

Racial inequities uncovered in hospital admissions for heart failure

Patients who self-identified as black were 9% less likely to be admitted to specialized cardiac care units.

CMS will pay $1.9 billion to hospitals in value-based payments for inpatient care

Over 55% of hospitals will receive higher Medicare payments under the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program.

CHS divests Virginia hospitals, sells to Bon Secours Mercy Health

In an ongoing effort to consolidate and reduce debt, CHS is exiting the state in a deal expected to close by year’s end.

Financial incentives plus information decrease patient preference for potentially wasteful diagnostic testing

Discussing benefits and risks of low-value diagnostic testing via head CT scan with patients can reduce the prevalence of such testing.