Category: Healthcare Finance News

Hospital employees are clicking on phishing emails, and that’s a problem, JAMA study shows

More than 2.9 million simulated emails were sent to employees at six hospitals, and nearly one in seven were clicked on, the study said.

Drug that prevents lung problems in older preemies also lowers costs

Pairs who received betamethasone had average costs of $4,681, versus the $5,379 spent on the pairs who didn’t get the treatment.

Two major Blue insurers, Cambia, BCBS North Carolina, combine in strategic alliance

Former CMMI Director Patrick Conway to be CEO of both, in a non-merger to align investments and eliminate redundant costs.

Physicians for Fair Coverage proposes ban on surprise medical bills for out-of- network care, creation of reimbursement standards

Proposal creates a national protocol for alternative dispute resolution, which would prohibit surprise bills and establish reimbursement standards.

Interdisciplinary education helps hospital patients better understand their medications, could reduce readmissions

Readmissions dipped at a participating facility after implementing a new medication education program.

How the ‘A’ in ‘AI’ can stand for ‘Assistive,’ and what that means for providers and patients

As AI and machine learning become a bigger component of care delivery, maintaining the human touch will be vitally important.

See how hospitals did in CMS overall star ratings: List is below

Rankings show 5-and 1-star providers about equally divided as majority fall in the 2-to-4 star categories.

HIMSS19 Pharma Forum: Top takeaways from the inaugural event

RSA Conference
The pharmaceutical industry’s biggest barrier? Data, of course.

While the price of healthcare is growing, utilization is dropping and price variations persist, report says

Report analyzed more than 1.8 billion commercial healthcare claims and data visualization to benchmark prices and use across 112 metropolitan areas from 2012 to 2016.

Gender-based salary gap persists among academic emergency medicine physicians

The authors said the reasons for salary disparities by gender are unclear, but may include the presence of conscious and unconscious biases.