Category: Healthcare Finance News

New nurses work overtime, long shifts, and sometimes a second job, research shows

Overtime in particular has been negatively associated with patient care, and a good proportion of nurses are required to work extra hours.

New nurses work overtime, long shifts, and sometimes a second job, research shows

Overtime in particular has been negatively associated with patient care, and a good proportion of nurses are required to work extra hours.

Want to cut MRSA infections after discharge? Add a structured bathing regimen to discharge instructions, says Rush University study

A regimen using antiseptic soap, mouthwash, and nose ointment after hospital discharge reduced infections and infection-associated hospitalizations due to MRSA in high-risk patients.

International medical graduates care for Medicare patients with greater healthcare needs

International medical graduates comprise almost one quarter of U.S. practicing physicians, and one third of primary care physicians.

Rebate policy would increase premiums, CVS Health CEO Larry Merlo says

Aetna helped drive revenue for CVS Health, even as the company suffered losses from its long-term care segment.

1 in 5 rural hospitals is at risk of closing, new Navigant analysis says

Navigant says 21 percent are at high risk of closing based on their total operating margin, days cash on hand, and debt-to-capitalization ratio.

CMS predicts healthcare spending will skyrocket to $6 trillion by 2027

Baby boomers, higher income, will drive growth in healthcare spending over the next 8 years, CMS Office of the Actuary projects.

Talent shortage is plaguing majority of healthcare execs, according to JP Morgan survey

The talent shortage is fueled by several factors including a lack of applicants, unique skills needed, and high compensation expectations, survey says.

Investment by health systems key to improving cancer outcomes in U.S., report says

Cancer outcomes vary substantially between populations defined by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health insurance coverage.

Reprocessing medical devices can result in significant savings for hospitals

Hospitals are nipping and tucking their supply chain spend by opting for half-price, reprocessed items like cardiology catheters.