Category: Healthcare Finance News

Costs for the same medical procedures show wide variation between hospitals

The same service can command dramatically different prices depending on where in the country it’s being performed.

Health systems need to collect patient balances

Hackensack Meridian Health no longer writes off long-term payments as bad debt, now that the patient has become a primary payer.

The role investors can play in addressing the opioid epidemic

There’s an opportunity for investors to address the longstanding epidemic while also netting good returns on their investments.

Researchers uncover more equitable Medicare reimbursement strategy

The findings have implications for improving outcomes and reducing disparities in that they target a more vulnerable patient population.

Providers and precision medicine: Are you ready?

The promise of personalizing care is enormous but it will also require hefty investments to turn it into a reality.

Focus on Precision Medicine

HIMSS Media during May will interview the experts, talk to thought leaders about the obstacles and opportunities precision medicine presents today.

House committee holds first hearing on Medicare for All bill

America’s Health Insurance Plans says MFA would likely result in higher premiums for consumers with private coverage.

Readmission penalties for safety net hospitals drop under new rules

The stratified payment method showed the biggest impact among hospitals tending to the socioeconomically disadvantaged.

More Americans say they will oppose Trump in 2020 elections due to his handling of healthcare, poll finds

Forty percent of respondents said Trump’s handling of healthcare makes them more likely to oppose him for re-election.

Healthcare risk leaders may be forced to adapt to tidal wave of new risks

The majority of CFOs say they’re not adequately prepared for the future given the rapid pace of change in the industry.