Payer+Provider's Health System Review
May 16, 2019
Anthem last year was required pay $16 million in the most costly HIPAA fine ever, for what remains the largest data breach for the industry.
May 15, 2019
The spread amount must be included in the calculation of medical loss ratios that managed Medicaid and CHIP plans use to set premium rates, CMS says.
An estimated 160,000 lives are lost annually from avoidable medical errors, an improvement over 2016 which saw 205,000 avoidable deaths.
Any medical group requires a strong leader, and then most important qualities to look for are dependent on the needs of the organization.
May 14, 2019
Testimony is expected to center on the impact of the merger on pharmacy benefit management markets, judge says.
Precision medicine tailors care, but it requires technology and interpreting genetic data, complexities that present a roadblock for physicians.
Private hospitals are more likely to enact an ambulance diversion if a nearby public hospital is already turning away ambulances.
May 13, 2019
One of the components fueling the growth includes powered devices such as pacemakers and MRI machines.