Payer+Provider's Health System Review
May 3, 2019
The cost increases from other aspects of patient care cancel out the induction-related costs, contradicting long-held assumptions.
The actions represent components of a strategy to address barriers to medical innovation in the Medicare program.
Two primary concerns of a single-payer system are the methods it would use to pay providers and set their payment rates, both of which would affect hospital and physician revenues.
May 2, 2019
Overall, 56 percent of adults reported at least one domain of medical financial hardship, representing 137.1 million adults in the US.
This includes the protection of medical conscious of practitioners, says OCR Director Roger Severino.
Hackensack Meridian Health no longer writes off long-term payments as bad debt, now that the patient has become a primary payer.
May 1, 2019
The findings have implications for improving outcomes and reducing disparities in that they target a more vulnerable patient population.