Category: Healthcare Finance News

How better vendor management can help improve a health system’s revenue cycle

Juggling vendors can add costs for a health system, so it’s better to focus on communication, convenience and the patient experience.

CMS rule gives Medicare Advantage plans an edge over traditional Medicare

MA plans may offer non-health benefits such as transportation to grocery shopping for those with chronic conditions.

GlobalHealth, Evolent partner to deliver Medicare Advantage plans

The joint venture will offer MA plans under the True Health brand to high-performing providers that are prepared to take delegated risk for MA populations.

Doctors more likely to prescribe preventive therapy if prompted by EHR

The findings come as an increasing number of health systems are investing in system-wide EHRs, despite lingering issues with interoperability.

BCBS Institute and Solera partner, pay SDoH organizations through outcomes-based medical claims

The collaboration allows health plans to pay for healthcare-related social services delivered by community benefit organizations.

Growth in telehealth outpaces that of other avenues of care — at least from 2016 to 2017

Telehealth usage grew 53 percent from 2016 to 2017, compared to just 14 percent for urgent care centers, the next-highest on the list.

Hospital revenue cycle: Ripe for modernization but facing big challenges

Declining margins and growing demands are forcing hospitals to rethink their rev cycle for the era of value-based care and patient experience.

Focus on Revenue Cycle: Hospital systems are ripe for modernization

This special collection of feature stories, interviews, videos and deep dives into what you need to know about the evolution of the revenue cycle will be updated throughout the month of April.

Seema Verma under fire for allegedly spending millions on outside GOP consultants

Energy and Commerce Chairman calls for OIG investigation into taxpayer spending for outside communications, including money spent to promote her brand.

Physicians’ trust in one another is a care safety and quality issue, experts find

If doctors don’t value and trust each other, the safety and quality of patient care could potentially be compromised.