Category: Healthcare Finance News

What digital transformation demands: the entire C-suite’s influence

Information and technology comprise the backbone of smart, digital hospitals and systems. CIOs are leading that next-generation of healthcare and, in so doing, spending increasing amounts of time interacting with all top executives to shape the future …

Digital transformation: 3 charts spotlight what top business decision makers need to know

digital transformation
Here’s a look at what hospitals need to move forward, top priorities and the biggest obstacles they face today.

American Medical Association lays out new policy to combat physician suicide requiring data collection by key accrediting bodies

Policy asks Liaison Committee on Medical Education, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education to gather data on medical student, resident, fellow suicides.

Beth Israel Deaconess, Lahey Health merger gets go-ahead with major conditions from Massachusetts AG

AG’s settlement stipulates that the newly-combined system make significant financial commitments to improving access to care and an historic 7-year cap on price increases.

Rates of hospitalization rising among homeless, study finds

Mental illness and substance use disorder are still the main driver of acute hospitalizations among homeless adults.

ACA enrollment down 12.8 percent over last year

Insurers have two weeks left to sign-up consumers, as Trump Administration plans to allow ACA subsidies to cover non-Obamacare insurance.

Trump Administration proposes using ACA subsidies to buy non-Obamacare health insurance

Democrats demand answers to what they call a sabotage of the ACA.

HHS implements long-awaited 340B drug price transparency rule

The rule directs pharmaceutical manufacturers to disclose the maximum per unit ceiling price that can be charged to 340B hospitals.

Detroit Medical Center hospitals may lose federal funds due to health and safety violations

At issue were infection control violations, which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services described as "significant."

Even hospitals with high patient survival rates still struggle with readmissions

The readmission rates of top performing facilities were similar to, and in some cases greater than, the rates posted by unranked hospitals.