Payer+Provider's Health System Review
January 29, 2019
A microtargeting initiative used consumer data, analytics and outreach that asked toothpaste preferences, for instance.
January 28, 2019
No estimated date of completion for the deal was revealed, but the newly-combined system would be known as Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health GraniteOne.
The volume of deals topped 2017, which was itself a banner year, but the value of deals has dipped during that time.
Just a week remains to submit a speaking proposal for the Cleveland Clinic …
Network will eventually be open to new members for secure digital sharing of healthcare information.
Use of AI led to cost reductions including a 25 percent drop in hospital length of stay and 91 percent reduction in discharges to nursing facilities.
What has long been shrouded in darkness is now being thrown into the light.
January 25, 2019
Massive gaps leave practices more dependent on reimbursement from commercial payers and commercial contracts, raise the potential of shrinking number of Medicare patients accepted.
David Smith said he expects his new role to involve in-depth research on the delivery and costs of healthcare for over 1 million lives.
Volume increase is the main cost driver, as the number of such procedures has sharply risen across nearly all ages under 65.