Category: Healthcare Finance News

House passes bills prohibiting pharmacy gag clauses on drug prices

The Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act and the Know the Lowest Price Act are expected to get President Trump’s signature.

Community Health Systems’ subsidiary to pay more than $260 million over alleged kickback, billing, inpatient admissions scheme

Government alleged HMA unlawfully boosted inpatient admissions, submitted inflated claims to government payers and paid physician kickbacks for referrals.

Hospitals in one rural system have negative operating margins of $100 million a year, CEO says

Two areas for financial hope are being paid for telehealth and better data sharing in a rule on health information blocking.

Healthcare employee misuse and theft of pills totaled $164 million this year

Man stealing pills.
Hospitals and health systems should adopt better strategies to ensure physicians and nurses don’t shift pills to the black market.

CMS admits errors in MIPS payment calculations after ‘target review’ of payment factors

In addition to those whose scores were directly impacted, some clinicians will see small changes in their payment adjustment after reapplication of budget neutrality, CMS said.

Operating margins stunted for nonprofit hospitals, says Fitch

Labor and wage pressures for experienced staff will likely continue, while the shift to at-risk contracting will be an exacerbating factor.

Homeland Security proposed rule would lead to legal immigrants foregoing healthcare

Immigrant receiving healthcare.
Rule threatens the stability of hospitals which will face more uncompensated care costs, says America’s Essential Hospitals.

Independent physician organization opposes CVS and Aetna merger

Patients would be steered away from their physicians, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons said in letter to AG Jeff Sessions.

Artificial intelligence gaining trust for cancer diagnosis and treatment, study finds

While a majority of patients say they would consider the technologies to diagnose cancer and recommend treatment, they still fear a catastrophic impact on finances.

Maine health system rebranding for era of consumerism

Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems is the latest hospital to rename itself to keep pace with changes, digital health and otherwise, reshaping the industry.