Category: Healthcare Finance News

What North Carolina’s rural hospital struggles reveal about the U.S.

There is a confluence of factors leading to widespread closure of rural hospitals, including demographics, government policies and community challenges.

Spotlight: How providers and payers are combating the opioid epidemic in different parts of the U.S.

Whether it’s technology, legislation, or new policies and programs, the healthcare industry is attacking opioid abuse from numerous angles.

Silver lining: Million dollar medical claims leap 87%

What looks like a nightmare for hospital finance executives is also an opportunity to reduce excessive losses typically associated with such claims.

Social determinants of health gain traction as UnitedHealthcare and Intermountain build new programs

Organizations are each expanding services to address non-medical factors that can have a significant impact on individual and population health.

Hospitals gearing up to deploy more medical transcription tools

Growing digital transformation, as well as increasing adoption of web-based services over conventional analog devices, is fueling demand for more modern technologies, according to research reports.

Racial, gender disparities in Boston hospital executives echo national trends in diversity and wage gap

New research found that 80 percent of the 103 clinical department heads at six major teaching hospitals are men, and almost 90 percent are white.

Tennessee hospitals generate more than $18 billion for state economy

New data from states including Tennessee and Connecticut highlight the importance of helping sustain community well being.

Hospitals must overcome these challenges to transition from fee for service to value-based care

Executives must address redundant services, lengthy claims processing and reimbursement cycles, among others.

Office of Inspector General to HHS: Make former Secretary Tom Price pay back $341,000 in travel costs

Former HHS Secretary Tom Price did not comply with federal regulations for chartered aircraft and other government travel, OIG says.

Hospitals vs. outpatient clinics: Who causes more unplanned patient readmissions?

New research found that the length of time after which a patient returns to the hospital reveals a lot about where things went wrong and highlights the need for hospitals and clinics to work together.