Category: Healthcare Finance News

C-suite candidates: Hiring advice from a top executive recruiter

An executive recruitment firm Buffkin/Baker partner predicts more CEO roles for women in the near future; to position themselves women should focus on finance — and commanding an audience.

American Medical Association, other groups applaud CMS proposals to cut paperwork, but sound alarm over payment rate changes

The unpopular proposal to collapse payment rates for certain office visit services could hurt physicians, other healthcare professionals that treat the sickest patients, the groups said.

Health systems join forces to reform, improve healthcare for underserved on Medicaid

The work will focus on challenges including behavioral health, women and infant care, substance use disorder and avoidable emergency department visits.

Cigna stockholders greenlight merger with Express Scripts

Cigna said they believe the merger will close by year-end 2018, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals.

Risk adjusting for race and poverty bolsters rankings of some hospitals

There are potentially substantial financial benefits to be gleaned from sociodemographic adjustment for safety net hospitals.

Humana to broaden digital health, data analytics efforts at new Boston location

Studio H will develop digital tools and enterprise analytics technologies to innovate the healthcare experience for plan members.

Relentless focus on innovation wins Ochsner a HIMSS Davies Award

Through the work of its innovationOchsner team, the Louisiana health system has developed EHR-connected digital tools to treat diabetes and hypertension.

Healthcare is ready to invest in blockchain as new business cases emerge

The technology is "getting closer to its breakout moment," says Deloitte, whose new survey finds healthcare organizations seeing "disruption" on the horizon and preparing to spend accordingly.

Democratic reps fire back on Medicaid work requirements, saying they would push low-income families out of coverage

Democratic representatives called the loss of health coverage the "perverse result that even the proponents of these new requirements should oppose."

Hospitals have plenty of work to do when it comes to fostering brand loyalty

Despite a growing focus on loyalty, hospitals still have a ways to go to actually achieve it with patients and other consumers.