Category: Healthcare Finance News

Northwell starts food insecurity program to address social determinants of health

Hospital giving certain patients a nutrition consultation, two-day supply of fresh produce and a prescription for two refills.

Majority of Americans believe Trump is sabotaging ACA, Kaiser poll shows

Kaiser Family Foundation says more than half of Americans do not want the Affordable Care Act overturned.

Women healthcare professionals pessimistic about industry equality; don’t expect parity for 25 years, survey says

Women healthcare pros say they don’t expect parity for 25 years
More than half of respondents in Rock Health’s study believe it will take 25 years to achieve gender parity in the workplace.

Health insurers get HIT tax suspension for another 2 years

The House passed two bills to suspend the health insurance tax and expand the use of health savings accounts.

11 states sue to stop association health plans

11 states sue to stop association health plans
America’s Health Insurance Plans has warned that AHPs could lead to fewer insured Americans and higher premiums for those who remain in the ACA market.

Challenge of AI, 3-D printing and other innovations for hospitals? Reimbursement for tools

When healthcare innovations aren’t reimbursed, hospitals are forced to make tough choices about equipment.

CHS sees light through turmoil with a drop in net loss, long-term debt as $2 billion divestiture continues

Community Health Systems saw their net operating revenue drop thanks to hospital offloading, but same-store revenue actually jumped 3 percent.

Physician compensation growth slows along with productivity, American Medical Group Association report says

While some specialties saw a notable increase in compensation, overall numbers show most did not and work RVUs remained largely flat, report says.

Poll: Most healthcare consumers want feds to control costs, but partisan divides remain

The main concern among the political parties is slightly different, with Democrats more apt to desire reform that increased access to coverage.

Hospitals condemn CMS site neutral rule that would cut payments to off-campus clinics

Associations describe final rule as misconstrued, creating roadblocks and showing a lack of understanding about reality.