Category: Healthcare Finance News

Drug companies are being required to post list prices in television ads

Any such requirement would raise significant legal issues, including First Amendment concerns, PhRMA says.

Former Maine DHHS commissioner Mary Mayhew to lead federal Medicaid program

Mayhew will oversee the federal program as waivers for work requirements reduce the number of beneficiaries.

Americans still confused about healthcare law, survey finds

The majority of people are unaware of the basic benefits that plans have to cover, as well as changes made to healthcare law in 2018.

Aetna to pay $365,000 civil fine, on top of $17 million, to settle envelope breach

The settlement with New Jersey resolves two separate privacy breaches regarding members HIV/AIDS status and those with AFib.

Interoperability remains limited, according to the National Academy of Medicine

Establish an ongoing procurement strategy and avoid the purchase of individual software and hardware, experts say.

Cybersecurity strategy: Hackers have one, do you?

During October, we talk to infosec executives and experts about the problems and practical steps to securing sensitive data, advice about what to do (and what not to do) during and after a security incident.

How to build an effective cybersecurity strategy on a tight budget

Basic building blocks of a good information security plan can be found at lower costs than many might expect.

Want consumers to pay medical bills faster? Deliver a better patient experience

Making patient financial responsibility clear from the get-go is an imperative for providers trying to avoid no-pays and consumer dissatisfaction.

Medicare premiums, deductibles, increase slightly while MA rates have decreased

CMS sign at HIMSS17.
CMS promotes MA’s supplemental benefits as consumers increasingly choose private coverage versus government insurance.

Community Health Systems sells two-hospital Mary Black Health System as part of long-term divestitures

When the transaction is complete, Community Health Systems affiliates will still operate four hospitals in South Carolina.