Category: Healthcare Finance News

UC San Diego Health plots major urgent, primary care expansion

Comprehensive new primary, urgent care clinic set to open and at least 10 more are planned and could include specialty care as well.

Healthcare spending is growing along with prices, up 5% over 2017

Spending by private payers has grown at a faster clip, with growth hitting 7.4 percent compared to 2.3 percent for public payer spending.

Healthcare spending is growing along with prices, up 5% over 2017

Spending by private payers has grown at a faster clip, with growth hitting 7.4 percent compared to 2.3 percent for public payer spending.

CVS Aetna merger gets Justice Department approval pending Part D divestiture

Aetna and CVS buildings.
Aetna’s divestiture of Medicare Part D prescription drug plans to WellCare would fully resolve DOJ concerns.

BPCI Advanced model attracts ‘robust’ interest of almost 1,300 providers

The top three clinical episodes selected are major joint replacement of the lower extremity, congestive heart failure, and sepsis.

Hospitals are roadblocks to patient EHR data requests, despite HIPAA

Study from Yale researchers found some hospitals aren’t complying with state, federal regulations for patient records requests.

Strong supply chain needs collaboration, according to GHX

The industry continues to struggle with accurate or complete clinical supply capture at the point of care.

Therapy dogs good for patient’s recovery, but carry risk of MRSA

Patients pickup harmful MRSA bacteria from touching dogs but stricter adherence to hand washing among solutions to eliminating the risk, study says.

Wraparound services hold promise for reducing health costs and improving outcomes

Wraparound services potentially saved $8.2 million from 2011 to 2016, based on median hospitalization costs, the authors found.

Health insurers for Indiana hospitals are paying three times what Medicare pays

Hospital margins of 10 percent and greater are the result of insurers paying too much, study says.