Payer+Provider's Health System Review
October 10, 2018
Comprehensive new primary, urgent care clinic set to open and at least 10 more are planned and could include specialty care as well.
Spending by private payers has grown at a faster clip, with growth hitting 7.4 percent compared to 2.3 percent for public payer spending.
October 9, 2018
The top three clinical episodes selected are major joint replacement of the lower extremity, congestive heart failure, and sepsis.
The industry continues to struggle with accurate or complete clinical supply capture at the point of care.
Patients pickup harmful MRSA bacteria from touching dogs but stricter adherence to hand washing among solutions to eliminating the risk, study says.
Wraparound services potentially saved $8.2 million from 2011 to 2016, based on median hospitalization costs, the authors found.
October 8, 2018
Hospital margins of 10 percent and greater are the result of insurers paying too much, study says.